A Hero Rising

A Hero Rising - Aubrie Dionne

This was a mesh of several different genres; dystopian, sci-fi, futuristic.  It's unique.  There was enough world building to get the gist of what is happening.  The earth is falling apart, mainly (if not all) because of humanity.  There is a huge disparity between the rich and poor.  There are two main rival gangs, each unique in their own way:  the Razornecks (they have implanted metal in their necks to give them ridges) and the Radioactive Hand of Justice (have dyed hair that glows green).  Guess what one the hero is on?

I was leery of Skye at first.  She seemed to be a character that couldn't/wouldn't do anything and expected to be saved when I first meet her on the page.  She hooked me and actually both helped and saved James.  I was very pleased. 

The only thing I didn't care that much for was the romance.  I didn't believe that James could fall so quickly.  He had just lost his love to one of the transport ships, never to see her again.  Then in a matter of days, he's in love with someone else.  Dude, no way. 

Other than that, I enjoyed it and will be reading Paradise 21 sometime soon!