
I'm glad to say I was right and Adam's book picks right up where Seth's book left off. Adam is the leader of the cyborg resistance on earth. He has infiltrated a military installation where nanotechnology is being tested and it is suspected a cyborg is being held prisoner. At the start of the book, his job is providing guard duty to Laura, a human scientist working on the nanotechnology. Laura is tasked with trying to find a way to re-animate the nanos when they die.
This had a little bit of a slow start. Once Seth, Anastasia, and Avion arrive, it picked up. There was more to Laura then met the eye and she was a good match for Adam. There is an event that happens to Laura when she is given live nanos to work with.
(show spoiler)While Adam and Laura get the HEA, the underlying story-line ends in a cliffhanger.
What is going on? Who is One and what can she do? Will Avion be cured? (This being a romance book you can bet your ass that will be a resounding YES).